Heard the latest .
'What an economy ...... the other day i wrote a cheque, the cheque was good, but the bank bounced!!!
'how do u take out 1million from the stock market.... by putting 5 million in it.
What worries me most about the credit crunch ... is that if one of my cheques is returned stamped - Insufficient Funds... i wont know if that is in my account or the Bank's!!!
Auditor's one line comment on Lehman's Balance Sheet.... on the left side (liabilities) nothing is right & on the Right side (Assets) nothing is left!!!!!
'I want to warn people from Nigeria who might be watching our show, if youget any e-mails from Washington asking for money, it's a scam. Don't fall for it' -
'Do you have any idea how cheap stocks are now? Wall Street is now beingcalled Wal-Mart Street' -
The difference between MOST pigeons and MOST investment banker? ALL pigeonscan still make a deposit on a BMW
Q: What's the difference between a guy who just lost everything in Vegas andan investment banker? A: A tie
What does AIG stand for? American Innocence and Greed.... or Am I Gone!!!I went to buy a toaster and it came with a bank.
Finally old wine in a new bottle....
'A new teacher was getting to know the kids by asking them their name and what their father did for a living.
The first little girl said: 'My name is Mary and my Daddy is a postman.
'The next child, a little boy said: 'I'm Andy and my Dad is a mechanic.
'And so it went until one little boy said: 'My name is Johnny and my father is a striptease artist in a gay club.
'The teacher gasped and quickly changed the subject.
Later, in the school yard, the teacher approached Little Johnny privately and asked if it was really true that his dad danced nude in a gay bar.
Little Johnny blushed and said, 'No, he's really a Business Development Director at Lehman Brothers, but I'm just too embarrassed to tell anyone.'
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