Tuesday, 9 April 2024

AlliesFinServe #StockMarket #Bharat Telegram.me/AlliesFin's Post

Think before it is too late

Secret Investments or keeping the Investments unknown to your family members may cost you very dearly. Just see the approx DATA and think yourself:

Rs. 82,025 Cr estimated investor wealth is idling in unclaimed Accounts

Rs 18381 Cr lying in unclaimed Bank Accounts

Rs. 15167 Cr lying unclaimed with Insurance Companies

Rs. 17880 Cr lying in inactive Mutual Fund folios

Rs. 4100 Cr of unclaimed dividend lying in IEPF

Rs. 26497 Cr is lying unclaimed in Provident Fund Accounts

What is the Solution

Keep family informed about finances

Always ensure, in all your investments/accounts, you register your nominee without fail

Write a Will as that will ensure a seamless settlement/flow of assets

Keep updating details regarding changes in nominee, address, redemption, top-ups etc - if any, as and when they take place

Keep your Deposits in one Branch, as far as possible. Remember, if you keep in many Branches of multiple Banks, your are making way for unclaimed deposits in future

Maintain one Credit Card, as far as possible. This would help you to manage your repayments properly and on time. Remember, each Credit Card carries a handsome personal insurance and be aware of the same

Keep your Trading and Demat account with one or two Brokers. However, it is advisable to shift to one entity

Be aware of and do visit your Brokers office, Bank Branch, Insurance Company offices once in a while and maintain relationship. In case of eventuality, they will inform your family

Never invest on your own as you may not always be proficient in investments and money market operations. Engage the services of an experienced Advisor or Intermediary to get the best and remain with them to avail seamless services. Even if you forget, all your investment info will be with the Advisor and he shall pass on to your family

Last, but not the least, see that your data is documented properly. Write down details of all your investments - Bank Accounts, Insurance Policies, Provident Fund, Mutual Fund folios, Post Office Saving Schemes, Credit Cards, Shares, Outstandimg loans in a book and let all your family members be aware of it

After, it is your hard-earned money and you and your family have all the rights and privileges to enjoy the same!
By: via AlliesFinServe #StockMarket #Bharat Telegram.me/AlliesFin

AlliesFinServe #StockMarket #Bharat Telegram.me/AlliesFin's Post