Thursday, 19 May 2022

@AlliesFin Serve Stock Market's Post

· Indoco Remedies announced impressive Q4 results. Q4 Net profit up 62% at Rs 40.45 crore, Revenue up 36% at Rs 400.52 crore, Ebitda up 47% at Rs 80.54 crore and Ebitda margin at 20.11% Vs 18.54%
· IOB announced impressive Q4 results on account of improved asset quality. Q4 net profit Rs552cr(up 58% YoY), GNPA 9.82% vs 10.4% (QoQ), Provision Rs1040cr (down 5.2% YoY) and NII Rs1609cr (up 15% YoY)
· Arvind announced good Q4 results. Company reported Q4 net profit Rs 84cr (up 54% YoY), Ebitda Rs235cr (up 13% YoY), Ebitda margin 10.7% vs 12.7% (YoY) and income Rs2203cr (up 33.2% YoY)
· AB Fashion announced bette than expected Ebitda and Ebitda margin. Company reported Q4 net profit Rs43.6cr vs loss Rs136cr (YoY) – expectation loss Rs32cr, Ebitda Rs373cr (up 58.5% YoY) – expectation Rs285cr, Ebitda Margin 16.3% vs 12.9% (YoY) – expectation 11% and Income Rs2283cr (up 25.3% YoY) – expectation Rs2603cr
· Route Mobile announced poor Q4 results. Company reported Q4 net profit Rs46cr (up 2.7% YoY), Ebitda down 9% (YoY) to Rs56cr, Ebitda margin 9% vs 11% (YoY) and Income Rs626cr (up 11.2% YoY)
· Teamlease announced impressive Q4 results. Company reported Q4 Net income up 63% at Rs 30.86 crore, Revenue up 36% at Rs 1,817.41 cr, Ebitda up 58% at Rs 41.03 cr, Ebitda margin at 2.26% Vs 1.95%
· Manappuram Finance Q4 net profit Rs261cr (down 44% YoY) – expectation Rs283cr and income Rs1480cr (up 8.6% YoY) – expectation Rs1452cr
· IGL announced better than expected Ebitda margin and volume in line with expectation. Company reported Q4 net profit Rs362cr (up 5.2% YoY), – expectation Rs272cr, Ebitda Rs500cr (up 7.2% YoY)– expectation Rs420cr, Ebitda margin at 20.8% vs 31.7% (YoY) – expectation 18.4% and income Rs2406cr (up 55% YoY) – expectation Rs2284cr. CNG volumes at 5.66mmscmd (+16% YoY, flat QoQ), PNG volumes at 2.09mmscmd (+7% YoY, +3% QoQ)
· Granules India announced better than Q4 expected Ebitda margin. Company reported sales grew 29% YoY to Rs1030cr – expectation Rs1050cr, EBITDA margin contracted at a slightly lower rate of 660bp YoY to 18.7% vs 25.7% - estimates 17.2%, EBITDA was down 4.6% YoY to Rs190cr – expectation Rs180cr. Adjusted PAT declined at higher rate at 13% YoY to Rs110cr – expectation Rs114cr.
· JK Lakshmi Cement announced Q4 strong volume growth. JK Lakshmi Cement (JKLC)’s 4Q result was significantly above estimates with EBITDA at Rs280cr vs estimated Rs180cr, Ebitda margin at 18.4% v/s estimated 12.9%. Though, volume growth of 8% YoY (13% above estimates) and Net profit Rs172cr – expectation Rs90cr.
· ITC’s 4QFY22 income inline with expectation. Company reported net revenue was up 16.8% YoY to Rs15530cr (estimates Rs13840cr), EBITDA grew 16.8% YoY toRs5220cr (in line), PBT grew 12.1% YoY toRs5440cr b (in line), while adj. PAT grew 11.8% YoY to Rs4190cr (in line).
· Lupin announced lower than expected Q4 results. Company reported Q4 loss Rs518cr vs profit Rs460cr – expectation net profit Rs220.3cr, Ebitda Rs282cr (down 63% YoY) – Expectation Rs526cr, Ebitda margin 7.3% vs 18.7% – expectation13.4%, North America sales Rs1416cr (down 5.3% YoY) – expectation $202mn (up 4% YoY) and income Rs3880cr (up 2.6% YoY) – Expectation Rs3910cr
· Pidilite announced inline with expected Q4 results but Ebitda below estimates. Net sales grew 12.1% YoY to 2500cr (in-line). Consumer & Bazaar (C&B) segment revenues were up 10.6% YoY to Rs1910crwith segmental EBIT declining 11% YoY toRs420crb. EBITDA declined 13% YoY to Rs400cr – expectation Rs510cr and Adj. PAT declined 19.6% YoY to Rs250cr (estimates Rs330crb).
By: via @AlliesFin Serve Stock Market

AlliesFinServe #StockMarket #Bharat's Post