Sunday, 9 June 2019

@AlliesFin Serve T.ME/ALLiESFiN's Post

Market Wisdom by NSFidai

People nowadays want to know everything...

But, people nowadays don't want to learn anything...

Learn the difference between knowing and learning.

Then one will be able learn to unlearn and relearn if necessary.

Market is Supreme. Market knows everything. Market is always right.

Bullish Market + Bad News = opportunity to buy on dips

Bearish Market + Good News = Selling opportunity on rise


Markets are not the economy...Its other way around.

Important thing for investors is to understand that economy is not run in Stock markets

Bulls need to move Fast & Furious such that Bears are forced to cover their shorts and fuel the Bull Wagon!!

Bear market + Bad news = BEARS make a killing.

Bull Market + Good News = Bulls go on Rampage

Sell ... while there are buyers.. Buy ... only when everybody is a seller..

There are NO BULLS or BEARS...

It's just the SHIFT by BIG HANDS from F1 to F2.
They keep pressing a key till price goes into excess zone on either side.
Trade the Trend... simply speaking.

Be patient when sellers are impatient.

Don't try to catch a falling knife, unless you are wearing, tough gloves of conviction.

Market rewards those, who survive. Make sure you do.

If your stock moves with market... good
If it hasn't, it will ... at least it has stopped falling.
If it continues to fall... then you need to be worried.

A mistake, can teach.. learn from yours and more from others' mistake.
Commit mistakes, a new one every time, but keep them small. Else, big ones will turn you into an example.

No need to trade, everyday.

Trade only when the set-up is in place. #DolessDoRight

Don't buy fallen angels...
It's observed, small investors tend to line-up to buy those stocks which have once been STARS & fallen very deeply.
Think, why smart money dumped it?
Buy Strength, Avoid Weakness.

No Capital, No Capital Markets! By N S Fidai
By: via @AlliesFin Serve T.ME/ALLiESFiN

AlliesFinServe #StockMarket #Bharat's Post

News Headlines from Business News Agencies : Business Standard : GAIL, BPCL to set up plants to produce compressed biogas in Chhattisgar...