Wednesday, 19 April 2023 #StockMarket #india's Post


Low Financial Literacy + Greed to become Rich fast + Covid + Search for “Over Simplicity” = Financial Influencers + Young Start Up entrepreneurs = Disaster

I cant comment on their “Technical, Financial or Business Skills “ but yes they have “the gift of the gab” . Many of them are graduates of Top Schools and have worked with big Consulting or Advisory Firms.

Finance By Sharan’s , Sharan Hegde promoted a platform Hedonova . This platform was promoted by Anuraag Bhatia , founder of Banglore based wealth management startup Minance. Anuraag Bhatia was banned by SEBI multiple allegations of fraud . He was agin picked by EOW of Mumbai Police. When Sharan came to know this he just apologized on linkedin but then people lost money .

Akshat Shrivastava , MBA Chaiwala - Prafull Billore and Ankur Warikoo promoted Vauld – Crypto Lending Money – . Ankur Warikoo said in one of his video that there is no RISK in this platform and the returns can be as high as 14% guranteed .However, about $402 million of 8 lakhs people gets stuck and that Ankur Warikoo said that he was given about Rs.4,47,000 to promote the platform but then he said I was not having any information about it .

We also have the example of MBA Chaiwala - Prafull Billore who is having many Fraud cases filed against him . He used to take Rs. 25 to 30 lakh as franchise fee to start a “चाय की टपरी” , what a joke. He used to say that the daily “Revenue” will be min Rs.10,000 and the actual revenue of the franchise was Rs.700 to Rs.1000 per day. There are many such examples.

I have always been skeptical about all these things .And people always tell me सर आप तो बहुत Negative हो, ये नया ज़माना है , This is “Generation Zee” .

But I tell them only one thing that ज़माना कोई भी हो we humans required oxygen for living in past , it is required in present and will be required in future also . In the same way, profit is also required for Survival of Business in past, present and future .धंधा महेनत से होता है सिर्फ अच्छा दिखने से या अच्छा बोलने से नहीं .

May there be an end of Revenue Driven Valuations.

I have no issues if people teach “Finance” but I have serious issues when people advice on finance without taking any responsibility. Dear all please understand that “Rocket Science” will always be difficult to Shah , unless Shah become a “Rocket Scientist” by seriously studying the subject and working as an intern under a master hand.

So, the old saying still holds true – Caveat Emptor

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By: via #StockMarket #india

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