Sunday, 4 July 2021

@AlliesFin Serve Stock Market's Post

*Trading Tweaks*

*List of securities shortlisted in ASM Framework w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. Almondz Global Securities Ltd*
2. Dharani Sugars & Chemicals Ltd*
3. Diligent Media Corporation Ltd*
4. Ecoplast Ltd
5. GPT Infraprojects Ltd*
6. GTL Ltd
7. Kallam Textiles Ltd
8. Kamadgiri Fashion Ltd
9. KCP Ltd*
10. Prithvi Exchange (India) Ltd
11. RO Jewels Ltd

*List of securities which shall continue in ASM framework but shall be moved to respective higher Stage ASM w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. Ansal Buildwell Ltd
2. Evans Electric Ltd
3. Rajratan Global Wire Ltd*
4. Saksoft Ltd*

*List of securities which shall continue in ASM framework but shall be moved to respective Lower Stage ASM w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. Aditya Consumer Marketing Ltd
2. Kesar Terminals & Infrastructure Ltd
3. North Eastern Carrying Corporation Ltd
4. Reliance Capital Ltd
5. Simmonds Marshall Ltd
6. Unjha Formulations Ltd
7. Waaree Technologies Ltd

*As per notice no.20210604-41 -- List of securities shortlisted in Direct stage IV "ASM Framework" w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. RattanIndia Power Ltd*

*List of securities moving out of ASM Framework w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. Atlas Jewellery India Ltd*
2. Paramount Cosmetics India Ltd*
3. Nila Spaces Ltd*
4. Darshan Orna Ltd*
5. Meenakshi Enterprises Ltd*
6. GKB Ophthalmics Ltd*
7. LGB Forge Ltd*
8. Bombay Rayon Fashions Ltd*
9. Omni AXs Software Ltd*
10. HB Portfolio Ltd*
11. Frontline Corporation Ltd*
12. Sybly Industries Ltd*
13. Duke Offshore Ltd*
14. Mega Corporation Ltd*
15. Gagan Polycot India Ltd*
16. NCL Research & Financial Services Ltd*
17. Kisan Mouldings Ltd*
18. Mercator Ltd*
19. Sovereign Diamonds Ltd*
20. Indsil Hydro Power and Manganese Ltd*
21. Tatia Global Vennture Ltd*
22. Automotive Stampings and Assemblies Ltd*
23. Mahaan Foods Ltd*
24. Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Ltd*
25. Alexander Stamps And Coin Ltd*
26. Millennium Online Solutions ( India ) Ltd*
27. Kemp & Company Ltd*
28. Pasupati Spinning & Weaving Mills Ltd*
29. Rapicut Carbides Ltd*
30. Birla Cable Ltd*

*List of securities shortlisted in Short Term 5/15/30 Days ASM Framework w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. ASM Technologies Ltd
2. Avonmore Capital & Management Services Ltd
3. Fluidomat Ltd
4. Informed Technologies India Ltd
5. PH Capital Ltd
6. Scanpoint Geomatics Ltd
7. Siddha Ventures Ltd
8. Sika Interplant Systems Ltd
9. VMS Industries Ltd
10. Zee Media Corporation Ltd
11. Websol Energy System Ltd*
12. STL Global Ltd*
13. Premier Polyfilm Ltd*
14. Sharda Motor Industries Ltd*

*List of securities which shall continue in Short Term 5/15/30 Days ASM framework but shall be moved to respective higher Stage ASM w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. Gujarat Investa Ltd
2. Jayatma Industries Ltd
3. Tirupati Foam Ltd

*List of securities which shall continue in Short Term 5/15 Days ASM framework but shall be moved to respective lower Stage ASM w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. Master Trust Ltd
2. Space Incubatrics Technologies Ltd
3. Ambica Agarbathies & Aroma Industries Ltd

*List of securities moving out of Short Term ASM Framework w.e.f. July 05, 2021*

1. Aimco Pesticides Ltd
2. Arcee Industries Ltd
3. Palm Jewels Ltd
4. Skyline Millars Ltd
5. Supreme Holdings & Hospitality (India) Ltd
6. Amco India Ltd
7. Econo Trade (India) Ltd
8. Jyoti Resins & Adhesives Ltd
9. Inox Wind Energy Ltd**
10. Oracle Credit Ltd**
11. Lotus Eye Hospital And Institute Ltd**
12. Zenith Fibres Ltd**
13. Dharani Sugars & Chemicals Ltd
14. Diligent Media Corporation Ltd
15. GTL Ltd*

*Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) - List of securities moving into their respective GSM Stages with effect from July 05, 2021*

1. Adroit Infotech Ltd - Moved to GSM Stage 1
2. Prakash Steelage Ltd - Moved to GSM Stage 1
3. Rama Petrochemicals Ltd - Moved to GSM Stage 1
4. Digicontent Ltd - Moved to GSM Stage 1
By: via @AlliesFin Serve Stock Market

AlliesFinServe #StockMarket #Bharat's Post