Wednesday, 3 July 2019

@AlliesFin Serve T.ME/ALLiESFiN's Post

Market Update:
SGX Nifty +16 pts
Dow +69.25 pts ,Nsdq +17.93 pts , S&P +8.68 pts , Bovespa -734 pts , Ftse +61 pts , Dax +5 pts , Cac +9 pts , Nikkei -102 pts now , Crude @ $56.55 brl (+0.30), Brent @ $62.40 brl (+0.00) , Gold @ 1432.90 (+24.90), Silver @ $15.40 (+0.16), Euro @ $1.1289, JPY @ $107.81, INR @ 68.88

Today's Corporate Action
3rd Ex Date

Dividend - Rs. - 3.0000
Dividend - Rs. - 1.5000
Final Dividend - Rs. - 0.2500
Final Dividend - Rs. - 7.5000
Special Dividend - Rs. - 5.0000

Today's Board Meetings
Jul 3

Eris Lifesciences Ltd, to consider buyback of fully paid up equity shares.

Nacl Industries Ltd, earnings for quarter ended March.

Today's Data Alert

Jul 3 : Nikkei services and composite PMI for June, by IHS Markit.

Jul 3 : Money supply as on Jun 21, by Reserve Bank of India.

Jul 3 : T-BILL AUCTION: RBI to auction 91-day T-bills of 70 bln rupees, 182-day T-bills of 50 bln rupees and 364-day T-bills of 40 bln rupees.

Jul 3 : Rainfall for week to Jul 3, by IMD.

Today's Global Data

Jul 3: US Jun domestic auto industry sales data; 0130 IST

Jul 3: US American petroleum Institute's weekly statistical bulletin for the week ended Jun 28; 0200 IST

Jul 3: UK Jun shop price index; 0431 IST

Jul 3: Japan Jun services PMI; 0600 IST

Jul 3: UK LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition opens, with Bank of England Governor Mark Carney scheduled to speak

Jul 3: UK Prime Minister Theresa May chairs weekly Cabinet meeting

Jul 3: Germany Jun services PMI; 1325 IST

Jul 3: UK 'Could the UK cope with a no deal Brexit?' discussion; 1330 IST

Jul 3: Eurozone Jun services PMI; 1330 IST

Jul 3: UK Jun narrow money and reserve balances; 1400 IST

Jul 3: UK Jun CIPS/Markit Services PMI; 1400 IST

Jul 3: UK Jun Official Reserves; 1400 IST

Jul 3: Eurozone sectoral accounts for the first quarter; 1430 IST

Jul 3: UK Northern Ireland Sec Karen Bradley questioned by MPs; 1600 IST

Jul 3: US Mortgage Bankers' Association weekly mortgage applications survey for the week ended Jun 29; 1630 IST

US Jun Challenger Job-Cut Report; 1700 IST

Jul 3: US Jun ADP National Employment Report; 1745 IST

Jul 3: US May US International trade in goods and services; 1800 IST

Jul 3: US unemployment insurance weekly claims report- initial claims for the week ended Jun 29; 1800 IST

Jul 3: US Jun services PMI; 1915 IST

Jul 3: UK House of Lords sitting; 1930 IST

Jul 3: US May Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories & Orders (M3); 1930 IST

Jul 3: US May Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment data; 1930 IST

Jul 3: US Jun ISM Non-Manufacturing Report on business; 1930 IST

Jul 3: US Energy Information Administration petroleum status report for the week ended Jun 29; 2000 IST

Jul 3: US Jun global services PMI; 2030 IST

Jul 3: US EIA natural gas storage report for the week ended Jun 28; 2130 IST

Jul 3: US financial markets closes early for Independence Day; 2230 IST

Jul 3: Bank of England Governor Mark Carney to speak at the World Jewish Relief dinner
By: via @AlliesFin Serve T.ME/ALLiESFiN

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