Tuesday, 30 July 2013

RBI Policy


[C] Highlights of RBI's First Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2013-14
    Cogencis, Tuesday, Jul 30
    MUMBAI - Following are the highlights of the Reserve Bank of India's
First Quarter Review of Monetary Policy for 2013-14 (Apr-Mar):
* Repo rate unchanged at 7.25%
* Reverse repo rate unchanged at 6.25%
* MSF, Bank Rate unchanged at 10.25%
* Cash Reserve Ration unchanged at 4%
* FY14 GDP growth projection cut to 5.5% vs 5.7%
* FY14 M3 growth projection retained at 13%
* FY14 deposit growth projection retained at 14%
* FY14 non-food credit growth projection kept at 15%
* Will endeavour to condition evolution of inflation to 5% by Mar
* To release mid-quarter policy review on Sep 18
* To detail Jul-Sep policy review on Oct 29
* External sector influence on policy has grown in last one yr
* Last 2 yrs' stance mainly shaped by growth-inflation dynamic
* Current situation would have built reasonable case for easing
* India now caught in classic 'impossible trinity' trilemma
* Have to forfeit policy discretion for external sector issues
* Recent liquidity steps aimed at checking undue FX volatility
* Once FX mkt stabilises, liquidity steps to be rolled back
* FX stability to enable reverting to growth supportive policy
* Should use available time for structural steps on current acct
* Time available now should be used with "alacrity"
* Ready to use all tools for quick response to adverse events
* Onset, spread of monsoon have been robust
* Persisting weakness in industry has heightened risks to growth
* Global growth has been tepid
* Tepid global growth impacted world trade, Indian industry
* Global spillovers impacted exports, manufacturing, services
* Govt took many policy initiatives to improve invest environment
* As govt steps work through system, current slowdown may reverse
* Apr-Jun inflation trajectory mostly in line with estimates
* Some risks to inflation path have surfaced in June
* Good monsoon didn't ease food prices as much as it should have
* Vegetable prices impacted by weather-driven supply disruption
* Outlook for non-oil global commodity prices stays benign
* International crude oil prices are firming up
* Firm crude oil prices reflected in petroleum pdt price hikes
* Rupee fall expected to pass through to inflation in coming mos
* Timing of further price hikes makes inflation outlook uncertain
* Extent of further price hikes makes inflation outlook uncertain
* Objective is to contain WPI around 5% in short term
* Objective is to contain WPI around 3% in medium term
* Biggest risk to macroeconomic outlook from external sector
* Not clear if mkts fully factored full impact of US bond buy cut
* Not clear if mkt will react to each signal on US bond buy cut
* India to stay vulnerable to global fincl mkt sentiment
* Large current acct gap a formidable structural risk factor
* Current acct gap raised stress on external payments situation
* Current acct gap reflects rising external indebtedness
* Most external vulnerability indicators have deteriorated
* Worsened external indicators hurt economy's resilience to shock
* External vulnerability heightens need for fiscal consolidation
* Investment climate remains weak
* Risk aversion continues to stall investment plans
* Critical to ease supply constraints in economy


Have a Gr8 Day,

Warm Regards,

HQ: Mumbai, India.
Blog: www.AlliesFin.BlogSpot.com

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Monday, 29 July 2013

Mercedes S-class: Closest thing yet to a self-driving car---7 Sections


mercedes benz s class exterior
You can't buy Google's self-driving Toyota Prius but if you can pony up for a six-figure luxury car, you'll soon be able to buy a Mercedes-Benz S-Class that practically drives on its own -- while its heated seats give you a massage.
Beyond that, the Mercedes also has a host of other amazing technologies and some cool '70s-retro interior trim options.
Underneath all that, it's a Mercedes-Benz, which means it rides smoothly, accelerates quickly and drives better than you'd think a car this size would.
Pricing for the S-Class hasn't been announced yet but you can expect it to be similar to that of today's S-Class, which starts at over $90,000.
mercedes benz s class interior console
Now, the new S-Class doesn't literally "drive itself" but it almost certainly could if the engineers at Mercedes had wanted it to.
When you're on the highway, the S-Class will automatically maintain a safe distance behind the car ahead. By itself, that's nothing new. Lots of cars these days have so-called Active Cruise Control. Like some other automakers, Mercedes' system functions even in stop-and-go city traffic.
But the S-Class takes things even farther than most. The new S-Class actually steers to stay in its lane, even around curves. You do have to keep your hands on the steering wheel, though. Take them off for more than a couple of seconds and the car gives control back to you. Mercedes doesn't want you forgetting that you're still in charge.
mercedes benz s class exterior back
That almost-driving-itself trick is made possible by the S-Class's mind-boggling array of radar and camera systems.
Besides simple lane-keeping, the S-Class can park itself into a parallel or back-in space. Unlike other cars with similar features it takes care of everything: the steering wheel, the accelerator and the brakes. It's very cool to see it in action, even though it gets close enough to the other cars to make you very, very nervous. (Not to mention the owners of those other cars if they happen to witness it happening.) But it gets into the space like a pro.
The car's front-facing 3D cameras also provide data for something called "Magic Body Control." Sounds freaky and it is, but probably not in the way you're thinking.
The camera "reads" the surface of the road in absurd detail, warning on-board computers about every upcoming bump and ripple. Those computers then manipulate the car's suspension, preparing the car to, essentially, step over bumps as they arrive making the ride eerily smooth.
mercedes benz s class interior seats
The Mercedes S-Class has always been a big, comfortable car for drivers and passengers. The new version kicks things up to a whole new level. Yes, front and back seats will give you a massage but now there are some new options like "Hot Stone Message," "Energizing Massage" and even "Work-out." Seriously, you can get a work-out massage while you're driving.
You can even choose your own "new car smell" by plugging a bottle of scented liquid into climate control system. The various odor choices have names like "fireside","nightlife," and "sport."
You can enjoy this while listening to a Burmester sound system which has the distinction of being the only car stereo that's ever impressed me enough that I've bothered mentioning it in a review. Seriously, it's that good.

mercedes benz s class interior blue
Now about that interior. Mercedes cars always have nice interiors and this one's no different. It's got some interesting options like leather trim with a diamond-shaped pattern punched into it. Then there's wood trim that's infused with silver so that it looks, honestly, like metal with a wood grain. It's the kind of thing a lot of people would hate, but I found myself strangely taken to it.
Then there's the ambient light. Plenty of cars these days have adjustable ambient lighting systems that allow you to choose in what color you'd like your cabin to glow. But, in the S-Class the light comes out from, seemingly, everywhere and with impressive brightness and clarity. You can turn it down, but it's so much fun when the lights are turned up. You can pretend you're piloting a Berlin nightclub down the interstate.


mercedes benz s dummy
Some of these sensors and cameras look for things crossing the car's path, be they cars or people. And the car can tell the difference and it responds differently.
In the event that another car is in the way, the S-Class will warn the driver, tighten up the seatbelts and, when the driver presses on the brakes, the car will immediately provide full braking pressure even if the driver doesn't push down that hard.
But if the car detects a pedestrian, it responds differently. In this case, the car will slam on the brakes with startling force if -- and only if -- the driver does absolutely nothing in response to the impending disaster.
But it works only if the driver does not respond at all. I'm not sure I see this system saving many lives, because most drivers would react somehow. If Mercedes is going to go to such great lengths to provide safety technology, I'd prefer it to assist drivers even when they are paying attention


mercedes benz s class black
The new S-Class is a truly remarkable car. It rides, drives -- and even smells -- like the sort of top-flight luxury car Mercedes usually produces. And the new version carries on the tradition of being a technology showcase. (We don't even have enough space here to cover everything this car can do.)
You don't have to get an S-Class to get access to all this stuff. Some of this technology, including the self-steering lane-keeping assistance, has recently become available on lower-priced models like the mid-sized E-class -- but you won't get a Hot Stone Massage.


How the new Nexus 7 and iPad Mini compare


Last year's Nexus 7 kicked off the small-tablet movement and predated the iPad Mini, with an aggressive price and comfortable design, but a set of features that were slightly bare-bones (no rear camera). The iPad Mini offered a deeper feature set, but the new Nexus 7 has taken the lead -- at least, on paper -- once again.
The new Nexus 7 has a 1,920x1,200-pixel 16:10 7-inch display, whereas the iPad Mini has a larger 4:3, 7.9-inch display at only 1,024x768 pixels. The iPad Mini's screen was bigger and better than the original Nexus 7, but the new Nexus 7 has the clear edge here -- although color quality, brightness, and viewing angles have yet to be determined.
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The 2013 Nexus 7 has a 1.5Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor and Adreno 320 graphics, plus 2GB of RAM. Eric Franklin points out that these graphics match the Samsung Galaxy S4's, but the processing power isn't as impressive as an Nvidia Tegra 4 might be. In terms of gaming graphics, the Nexus 7 could have a big edge, thanks to being OpenGL ES 3.0 capable, which adds a lot of extra graphics effects to games.
The iPad Mini's processor is an A5, with performance similar to that of the fourth-gen iPod Touch and iPad 2. In short: it's a capable but older processor. And, it has only 512MB of RAM.
Storage size/price
In small tablets, price is everything. On nearly every level, the Nexus 7 offers a better deal than the iPad Mini, and its storage configurations are less of a markup.
The 16GB Wi-Fi Nexus 7 costs $229, versus $329 for a 16GB iPad Mini. The 32GB Nexus 7 is only $269 -- $40 more -- but the 32GB iPad Mini costs $429, a $100 upgrade.
The Nexus 7 also has an LTE-ready 32GB model for $349, and it's unlocked to work across Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T. Apple's LTE iPad Minis are carrier-specific. A 16GB LTE Mini costs $459, and the 32GB version costs a whopping $559. The Mini also comes in 64GB configurations.
(Credit: Eric Franklin/CNET)
The Nexus 7 comes in just black. The iPad Mini comes in black as well as white/aluminum.
(Credit: CNET)
The new Nexus 7 has a 1.2-megapixel front camera and 5-megapixel rear camera. The iPad Mini does, too. We'll see which one takes better photos and video.
Wireless connectivity
Both the Nexus 7 and iPad Mini support Bluetooth 4.0 for low-power connected wireless devices and 802.11n Wi-Fi, but the new Nexus 7 also supports NFC for near-field communication uses, like Google Wallet.
Operating system and apps
The iPad Mini currently runs iOS 6 but will get iOS 7 capability this fall, and it runs the exact same apps and features as the larger Retina iPad, minus the Retina Display. The Nexus 7 comes ready with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, a new version of Android with a few additional tweaks like multi-user settings, which also enables Bluetooth Smart, the low-energy Bluetooth element.
The iPad Mini already has Bluetooth 4.0, and iOS 7 is said to enable better support for Bluetooth accessories like game controllers and health monitors.
Apple has more tablet-optimized apps on the whole than Google, as well as a larger selection of games, but Google is making strides in gaming on Google Play.
Ports, extras
The Nexus 7 has an Micro-USB port that doubles as HDMI-out with a separate adapter. it also wireless charging. The iPad Mini has a Lightning connector for syncing and charging, and supports HDMI output, USB camera input, and SD card camera card importing with the purchase of Lightning adapter accessories. Both lack SD card slots.
(Credit: Best Buy)
Conclusion (for now)
The new Nexus 7 not only offers a better screen, processor, and bells and whistles, but it remains less expensive across the board than October 2012 iPad Mini.
The iPad Mini has a physically larger screen and the same wireless/camera capability, but it's clear that, right now, the Nexus 7 has a lot going for it. Of course, Apple's next iPads -- and perhaps a new iPad Mini -- may only be a couple of months away.


Top 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones in The World 2013


10. iPhone Princess Plus

iPhone Princess Plus
iPhone Princess Plus
Price: $176,400
iPhone Princess Plus is world's 10th most expensive handset. It is encrusted with 138 princess cut and 180 brilliant cut diamonds, and 18 ct of white gold is used in its preparation. It got its name after prince-cut diamonds that are used in its embellishment.

9. Sony Ericsson Black Diamond

Sony Ericsson Black Diamond
Sony Ericsson Black Diamond
Price: $300,000
Black Diamond is a fabulous, very sleek n smart and stylish luxury mobile phone. It is designed by Garen Joh with black diamonds, titane with polycarbonate and mirror-finish cladding. Black Diamond is an innovative and high-tech mobile with many functions and latest apps.

8. Vertu Signature Cobra

Vertu Signature Cobra
Vertu Signature Cobra
Price: $310,000
Manufactured by Vertu, this special-edition handset costed about $310,000. The phone is decorated with (one pear-cut diamond, one round white diamond two emerald eyes and 439 rubies but still it is often regarded as one of the world's most ugliest mobile phone due to its high price tag and less functionality as compared to other luxury phones.

7. Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot

Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot
Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot
Price: $1 Million
Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot is designed and created by Gresso, a company known for its indelibly expensive and luxury cell phones. The construction cost of this masterpiece is $1 million. This unique luxury cell phone is made up of pure gold, rare black diamonds and 200-year-old African Blackwood. Its case of made from 180 grams of pure gold and its back is prepared with 200-year-old rare African Blackwood. Black diamonds which are rare in the earth are covering its front and weights around 45.5 K.

6. Diamond Crypto Smart Phone

Diamond Crypto Smart Phone
Diamond Crypto Smart Phone
Price: $1.3 Million
Diamond Crypto Smartphone is designed and crafted by Peter Aloisson and 1.3 million dollars had been spent in its preparation. This unique smartphone is bejeweled with 18 carat white gold and 18 carat yellow gold. 50 diamonds weighted around 25 ct are lined on sides of phone.

5. GoldVish Le Million

GoldVish Le Million
GoldVish Le Million
Price: $1.3 Million
Created and designed by world's prominent Swedish designer 'Emmanuel Gueit' the Doldvish Le Million is the 5th most expensive and most luxurious mobile phone in the world. It was purchased by a Russian businessman for $1.3 million. The phone is handcrafted with 18 ct white gold and 120 ct VVS-1 graded diamonds.

4. iPhone 3G Kings Button

iPhone 3G Kings Button
iPhone 3G Kings Button
Price: $2.5 Million
iPhone 3G King's Button is designed by a famous personality, Peter Aloisson who had also designed Crypto Smartphone. This expensive iPhone costed around $2.5 million as it is embellished with 18 carat of yellow, white and rose gold. It is best known for its home button that features 6.6 carat diamond of rare beauty.

3. iPhone 3GS Supreme Goldstriker

iPhone 3GS Supreme Goldstriker
iPhone 3GS Supreme Goldstriker
Price: $3.2 Million
Designed by Goldstriker International for an Australian businessman, iPhone 3GS Supreme is the third most expensive mobile phone with a price tag of $3.2 million. 271 grams of 22 carat gold and 136 diamonds worth 68 carat has been used in the preparation of this extremely luxury and incredible mobile phone. The front bezel, front button and rear apple logo all are decorated with diamonds.

2. iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition

iPhone 4 Diamond Rose - the most expensive mobile phone in the world 2013
iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition
Price: $8 Million
iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition is the second most expensive and most luxurious mobile phone with price tag of $8 million, and is owned by Stuart Hughes who own many other luxury items ranges from luxury homes to luxury yacht  This iPhone is made of rose, diamond and platinum. Total 100 carat diamond in more than 500 pieces was used in its design and decoration.

1. iPhone 5 Black Diamond

 iPhone 5 Black Diamond
iPhone 5 Black Diamond
Price: $15.3 Million
During April 2013, British designer' Stuart Hughes manufactured and crafted a unique smart phone on the request of Hong Kong Businessman named "Joe" for about $15.3 M, breaking his previous record of $8 Million for iPhone 4 Diamond Rose. Stuart Hughes is famous for his luxury brand. He has created and designed many other luxury items which are featured on his official website.
This uniquely designed iPhone 5 features a rare 26-carat black diamond which was in possession of Joe's family for years. The rear section of the phone is coated with solid gold and apple logo consists of  43 flawless diamonds. The screen of this luxury item is created from sapphire glass, instead of gorilla glass, which is 10 times more expensive than gorilla glass. These extra dollars are spent to ensure strength and stability of screen assapphire glass is the hardest natural substance after diamond. The most special item of this iPhone 5 is its home button which is rare 26-carat black diamond, encrusted on a circa of 600 flawless diamonds.



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