Monday, 10 August 2009

Market Views for 10 August 2009

Hello Friends,

NifTiee Close 4481 & intra day levels :
Supports : 4444 / 4422 / 4385
Resistance : 4515 / 4545 /4585

In our last weeks articles we have updated & alerted that Nifty need to close above 4700 for minimum 2 days to confirm the bullish uptrends or profit booking may come, but how ever it did not managed to close above that & we saw the profit booking or fall like a monster. Also we revised the Trail stop loss for all long postions to 4444 & on friday Nifty spot tested 4464 levels & managed to close at 4481 levels.

So still the level of 4444 is not breached on closing basis & from here we may see some technical bounce or can term as Dead Cat bounce after such monsterous fall. Hope people reading this blog regularly must have benefitted by booking profits at higher levels & buying near important trend supports. Last week buyers are buried live at higher levels & in this dead cat bounce sellers will be buried live. The main pain comes to the small trader / investor who have less amount of money & still they trade in derivaties for short term greed. We like to advise all class to people to know the derivatives term & then use it to hedge your portfolio against the indices. WARREN BUFFETT TRULY SAID " Derivatives are Financial Weapons for Massive Wealth Destruction " Such a legendry person is alerting the world but still people dont follow the legends & end up loosing capital & destory wealth. Anyways after lot many errors if a person opens his eyes then this is 1st positive achievements.

In just 2 days of fall we have received lot many calls from people round the country as many are trapped at higher levels & mainly in derivatives as people enter positions for intra day gains & become short term investors as they are unable to sell at higher levels despite warnings from us. Anyways next week we can see some dead cat bounce in the markets due to testing important trend reversal levels. But fresh buying can only come above 4700 levels on closing basis till then the rally can be termed as relief rally only.

Provisional Fund Flow Figures Rupees Crores for 07 August 2009 :

Fii -1051
Dii +414
IndexFutures -681
Index Options +9
Stock Futures -231
Stock Options +111

NOTE: Current Affairs : In the last few weeks we have witnessing rise in the food prices which may lead to high inflation in days to come due to Drought in many states of the country as declared by the MET department. The GOVT is unable to control the price as many people are not facing the heat of the same & the highest heat is faced by the common man, the Salaried class & the lower middle & middle-middle class. Soon the higher middle & higher class will also start facing the heat if this things do not come under control soon. The International Food markets see rise in food prices as many things in India are now being imported from other countries to serve the domestic requirements. In other words this may also lead to rise in trade deficit which may effect the countries current a/c & people may come to know only after few days, weeks or months when media will show them & then they will panic. Last week media highlighted 17000 / 20000 index & we saw steep fall in just 2 days time & now this time lets see what new story they have & how they will help you panic more. Also in our few previous articles on this blog we alerted people about water harvesting system as just imagine 1 failure of monsoon has paniced the entire economy. If the entire monsoon fails or goes like this then soon you will have all luxuries of life but you will loose basic necetities like food, water & electricity. So 1 day you will have luxury apartments, luxury cars, hi fi societies but think all will be without water, food & Electricity. Also to some extent the commodities markets are even responsible for the artificial rise in the prices for short term, the GOVT must seriously think on this & cool off the sudden rise in basis food articles.

IMP : We are taking hard efforts to update this web for stock markets & also some current affairs without charging any fees for all such things but one thing we expect from the readers of this articles that if they like the artiles then its their duty to forward it to friends, groups, communities etc for their awareness.....

Good Day


Allies Financial Services
Mumbai, India

Website : www.AlliesFin.BlogSpot.Com

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