Party's over for some & beginning for some...................
After taking support at 4126 lvls nifty took a bounce upto 4195 lvls, The levels 4140 is acting as crucial support from which we can say that the markets are at MAKE OR BREAK SITUATIONS. Unless 4140 is hold till then the markets wil be volatile. A close below that wil take the markets to short term correction zone.
Today the markets wil open high on account of global markets but again repeating use this rallies to book profits in markets & exit for short term.

Contra call Buy IT stocks Like Infosys , Tcs, Satyam , Wipro, Hcl Tech & many small & midcap IT & software developers stocks looks good on account of strengthing Dollar.
Stock specific activity to continue.
Guj Nre coke for tg 70 cmp 58
Punjllyod, Praj inds, Rcom wil hold good.
Good Day, Happy Investing
Market Commentry :
As expected sensex up by 190 points at 14260 & nifty up by 56 at 4200 on cue of global indices.
Punj lyod at 250 , praj inds at 535 & Rcom at 518.
Book profits in punj llyod & praj inds trading call.
We would advise to use rallies to book profits in markets for short term.
Crest animations call initiated at 110 cmp 122 book profits.
Positional call : Buy inox leisure at 131 tg 145 - 150 in short term.
IT srocks rocking the markets like infy , satyam etc ...............
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Forthcoming Ipo's :
Icici Bank
Hdfc Bank
All this are follow up issues.
Fresh Ipo :
Central Bank
Great work to be done in Ipo ahead.
Good day ahead